Take advantage of this great amenity and get into shape at the same time! A pool workout is great for cooling off during the hot summer days and also nice for a low impact workout to mix things up when you are sick of the gym!

The Best Pool Workouts
Al of these great pool workout choices will get you moving in a new and fun way. Working out in the pool is a nice change of pace for most of us, it’s also low impact so you can even workout in the pool when you are looking to take it easy on your joints.
Have a strain, sprain, or other injury? A pool workout might be just what your body needs. These workouts for the pool can help you stay active and in shape without further injuring yourself while your body heals.
20 Minute Water Workout
Pool Workout Instructions Here
This great workout can be completed in just 20 minutes. That means you get quality exercise without spending a ton of time in the pool. The best part is that there are no swimming laps required. If you are a new swimmer or just don’t like doing laps this could be the answer you’ve been looking for!
The Ultimate Pool Workout
Pool Workout Instructions Here
If you are looking for a great way to get toned while working out in the pool this is the ultimate pool workout that you won’t want to miss. You can burn calories while also sculpting and toning your muscles for your best body yet!
Swimming Drills To Get Jacked
Pool Workout Instructions Here
Some of us just want to get active, others are trying to work on injured body parts, but some of us want to use pool workouts to get jacked! This is awesome workout routine is for you if you are looking to get jacked. There is so much you can do in the pool to build muscle and seriously sculpt your body! The best part is that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to get there.
Healthy Women’s Water Workouts for Weight Loss
Water Workout Instructions Here
There’s a fine line in any effort to lose weight between results and healthy choices. Here are some healthy women’s water workouts that will help with weight loss. You can also use these if you are a man but the processes are designed to help women who have stubborn weight that they’re trying to lose. Pool workouts can be great low impact exercise for everyone…even if you don’t want to lose weight and just need to get active!
Fit Pregnancy & Baby’s Ultimate Prenatal Pool Workout
Pool Workout Instructions Here
Workouts while pregnant can be tricky. At a certain point you have to decide if you are going to give up on what you love or seriously reduce the intensity of the workouts you are used and love doing each day. The great thing about pool workouts is that they are safe and great for both mom and the baby!
12 Essential Water Workouts
Pool Workout Instructions Here
Here are 12 different pool workouts that you can do at home. Take advantage of your pool and get some awesome exercise with all of these unique and successful water workouts. There is something to suit everyone even if you only have a short time to dedicate to your pool workout.
Total Body Pool Workouts
Pool Workout Instructions Here
On land we have to do multiple circuits to get a full body workout. In the pool it’s much easier to get a full body workout with simple exercises and motions. Here are some workouts that promise a full body impact that you can do from the comfort of your own pool or from the comfort of the pool in your apartment complex if you live at an MCLife community!
5 Pool Workouts For When You’re Sick Of The Gym
Workouts For The Pool Instructions Here
These workouts for the pool are great, there are five different options…that’s a whole week of workouts…that you can use when you just don’t want to do another day of gym workouts. The truth is that when the sun is shining it can be tough to drag yourself away from the pool to go to the gym. Bring the workout to your favorite spot and then you never have to leave!