Today we’re talking about pets! Living in an apartment with pets can be challenging. One of the ways you can make it easier is by turning old household items into pet supplies!

Pet Etiquette 101: Turn Old Household Items Into Pet Supplies
You can use these tips, tricks, and DIY projects to reduce your waste, reuse items, save money, and even keep your pets well entertained! The possibilities are endless! Here are some of our most useful household items turned pet supplies:
Rubber Gloves
Did you know that rubber gloves are amazing for collecting pet hair? The texture helps to pull pet hair off of carpeted and furniture surfaces. It’s like having a lint roller attached to your hand. You can easily use rubber gloves or old dishwashing gloves as a pet hair removal tool!
Plastic Bottles
Heavy duty plastic bottle like gallon sized jugs of bleach or other cleaners can be quickly and easily turned into a scoop! Need something to fill or clean out the litter box? No need to buy a new scoop you can just cut your bottles into a scoop that can later be recycled or disposed of! Check out a tutorial here.
Olive Oil
Did you know that olive oil can help prevent hair balls in cats?! If not, now you do! You can give your cat a bit of olive oil in their food or on a spoon if they will tolerate it. The added healthy oil in their diet will help prevent hair balls and that means you don’t have to keep another supplement on hand. Take something you already have in your kitchen and put it to work for you cats and kittens!
Key Protectors
Have you ever used those colorful key top protectors? The stretchy little ring type things? Those can double as noise reducers for your pet tags! If your dogs or cats have license tags or rabies tags, chances are you know how annoying it can be to listen to them jingling their way through the house. Place the rubber key protectors around the tags and then when they bump into each other you won’t hear a thing!
Plastic Bags
If you have dogs, chances are you know how frustrating it can be to end up outside during potty time without a waste bag! You can use plastic bags from your last grocery store run as pet waste bags. It’s a great way to reuse something you already have. This way you won’t have to worry about purchasing more plastic bags that can do the same job.
Plastic bags also work great for protecting your hands from other pet messes that can happen around the house and outdoors!
Velcro is for more than craft projects and clothing items! You can use sticky backed velcro strips to secure your dogs water or food bowl to the floor. If your pet tends to try and push their bowls around this can be a quick and easy fix! It also helps keep the bowls from sliding around and sloshing water or food on the the floors!
Dish Towels
Find three old towels. Cut an inch wide strip from one short end of two of the towels. Use one strip to tie the three towels firmly together at one end. Tightly braid them…now you have created an inexpensive an fun tug rope toy for your dog!