Spring is upon us! Get ready to bust open the windows, put your winter coats away and tidy up for the season. When Spring rolls around, people focus on getting their homes and wardrobes ready for warmer weather, and fun in the sunshine.
Your body needs to be refreshed just as much as the material things. We are bringing you 5 ways to spring clean your health and break your mind and body out of that winter funk.

Check-In with your doctor
Wintertime puts us into a different frame around; with the holidays packed in, we are eating too much and exercising too little. Start out your Spring with an annual wellness check with your doctor. You should also keep tabs on other healthcare screenings like women’s health exams, dental exams, and eye exams. Making sure your health is in good order, is a great first step.
Update your dinner plate
As mentioned above, wintertime is a season of heavy portions, plus over indulging in alcohol and sweets. So as Spring rolls around adjust how much is on your dinner plate. There is no reason to fill your plate to the brim. Grandma isn’t around to be offended if you don’t eat all of her sweet potato casserole.
If you aren’t sure how to monitor your portions, you can always get smaller plates. Studies have shown that people automatically eat more when the plate size is larger, so downgrade to a reasonable plate size.
Eating slower is also a great way to help you monitor how much you’re actually putting into your body. Before reaching for second and third helpings, pause and ask if you’re really hungry.
Diversify your diet
Springtime brings fresh new produce that wasn’t available during Wintertime. Start incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your meals and snacks. A good way to think about produce is to look at colors.
How many colors are on your plate each day? Start adding more dark greens, vibrant reds, and zesty oranges. If you can buy local produce that is even better.
Locally sourced produce is often higher in nutrients, while allowing you to support smaller businesses and farms.
Get the right fitness gear
When is the last time you bought new running shoes? One of the best ways to jumpstart your health and fitness is to get new exercise equipment.
Those old, worn out running shoes can actually do more harm than good to your body. After repeatedly using and running with a certain pair of shoes, the material wears out, particularly in the heel, which limits the cushioning effect and support your foot gets.
Get your kitchen into shape.
One of the fastest ways to undo any healthy eating plan is to have a cluttered, messy, kitchen. Walking into a chaotic kitchen can be overwhelming and may have you turning the other way to order take out.
Cooking your own meals, is a great way to help you eat better. But if your kitchen isn’t clean, organized and well-stocked with the basics, you’ll have a hard time keeping on track.
Donate non-perishable food items you’re not going to use, throw old old and experienced products, and refresh on basics like herbs, spices, and vegetable stock.
Adopting healthier habits takes some time but taking these steps to spring clean your health is a great place to start. What do you think? What are your favorite tips for getting healthy and fit?
Try these tips out and see how they help you spring clean your health and get into a better mindset, and even better body!